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  • SW-28 | SURECOM SWR / Power METER 

    SW-28VU 125-525MHz SW-28HF 1.5-60MHz 功能與規格 頻率範圍:1.5-60MHz (SW28HF) 頻率範圍: 125-525MHz (SW28VU) 可測功率範圍:0 -120W(5%) 輸入讀取 :(必須<0.5 W) 最大功率:120W 阻抗:50Ω 尺寸(包括接口): 88mm(寬度) 40mm (高度) X 80mm (深度) 重量:<220克 接口: SO239 接口 說明書 批發 Shopping SURECOM SW-28 SWR & Power Meter Instruction 特徵: - 根據檢測二極管特性的擬合算法,加上雙參考段檢測,在0.5W-120W功率範圍內精度優於5%。 - 5種界面顯示方式,根據自己的喜好選擇,一鍵切換。 - 高速平均檢測方式,實時效率顯示。 - 駐波大於2.0時蜂鳴器報警。 - 內置鋰電池,一次充電可使用100小時以上。 - 多功能按鈕,讓使用更有趣,為以後添加功能預留空間,提供額外的交互方式。 ​ 參數: 頻率範圍:1. 5-60MHz (SW28HF) 頻率範圍:125-525 MHz (SW28VU) 功率測量範圍:0.5W-120W 駐波測量範圍:1.0:1-19.99:1 插入損耗:<0.12dB 插入駐波:≤1.02 測量精度:優於±5% 駐波報警:≥2.0(帶關閉功能) 射頻接口類型: SO239 顯示內容:正向電量;駐波;天線功率;效率。 電源:內置可充電鋰電池或USB Type-C 斷電功耗:<0.1uA 數據通訊:USB type-c 外形尺寸:88mm(寬)*40 mm(H)*80mm(D)(不含突出部分) 簡單使用介紹: - 長按切換機器,短按切換顯示界面,雙擊切換駐波報警; - 共有5種顯示界面,自動保存,下次啟動時自動調用。 - 充電時顯示紅燈,充滿電後燈熄滅。 特點說明: 1. 電源開關 2. 0.96" O-LED 顯示屏 3. 菜單。 4. 峰值/平均值 5. 充電指示燈 6. Type-C 5V充電器 7. ANT 連接器:連接 50 歐姆天線系統的同軸連接器。 8. TX 連接器:連接至發射器 50 歐姆 RF 輸出的同軸連接器。 9. 模型細節&頻率範圍 SW-28HF顯示說明 1. 型號。 2. 電池電量 3. 正向瓦特數據 4. 正向瓦特數據 5. 版本號 6. S.W.R.數據 7. 反射瓦特 菜單: 1. 模式:平均開機/頂峰 2. 蜂鳴聲:開/關 3. 自動重置:關閉約 30 秒。 4. 退出 5.保存並保存出口 SW-28 VU顯示說明 1. 型號。 2. 電池電量 3. 正向瓦特數據 4. 正向瓦特數據 5. 版本號 6. S.W.R.數據 7. 反射瓦特 8. A(模擬) ,D(DMR) 菜單: 1. 蜂鳴聲:OFF / SWR> 3~9號 2. 自動重置:關閉 ~ 15 秒。 3. 調整。瓦特: + - 99 (長按 Enter 鍵 + - ) 4. 退出 5.保存並保存出口 如何使用 : S.W.R.表連接在r之間 adio (TX) 和天線,盡可能靠近收發器(使用最長 40 公分的電纜,如測試跳線。 1)檢查所有連接。 2)按麥克風PTT鍵進入發射狀態並保持在此位置。 3)讀取S.W.R.的數據/ 正向瓦特/ 反射瓦特 什麼是高 SWR 讀數? 1.5-> 2.0。您的天線已調整到可以接受的程度並且應該可以正常工作。 2.0-> 3.0。您的 SWR 讀數稍高,不會損壞您的收音機,但您應該嘗試調整天線以降低 SWR。閱讀。 3.0以上以上。您的天線調諧不正確,可能會損壞您的對講機。 如果您有相關視頻,請與我們分享,請與我們聯繫

  • SW-112 | SURECOM

    SW-102 HF 1.5-70MHz VSWR 介紹 VSWR。正向和反射功率直接數字讀數,無需任何校準。 最大可測量功率範圍高達120W。 低插入損耗(0.3 db 或更小)的結構使其可以永久連接。 所有功能顯示(電源,SWR,FW,RW,電池電量) 功能與規格 頻率範圍: 1.5-70MHz 可測功率範圍:0.5-120W(+-0.5%) 最大功率:120W 阻抗:50Ω 尺寸:W 76 XH 77 X D35 毫米。 重量:<220克 電池:3.7V鋰離子充電池 接口: SO239 接口 說明書 批發 Shopping 接口:NJ接口/ SO239 最大限度。功率:120 W(可測量功率,無線電必須為模擬) 電壓駐波比1.00:1〜19.9:1 頻率範圍:1.5-70MHz 插入損耗<0.15dB(VHF),<0.25dB(UHF) 溫度0℃〜60℃ 電池顯示:是 內置電池3.7V:鋰離子電池 自動關閉電源:1-9分鐘 尺寸:66 * 68 * 37(mm) 5V充電器(微型USB) 背光自動關閉 接口(進出) SO239 重量:220g(含電池) 電源開/關: 按下[紅色按鈕] 2秒鐘打開或關閉電源 MENU顯示 內容: 1.Light off(背光時間)0-9,始終在1分鐘到9分鐘的時間裡顯示“ 0” 2.POWER OFF 電源關閉0-9 1到9分鐘始終為“ 0” 3.Adjust Power 調整前向功率-99至+99微調水平% *供應商,該產品將添加功能而無需另行通知 設置並保存 按下MENU [藍色按鈕] 按F1 [紅色按鈕)(選擇1-5功能) 按下[藍色按鈕](-),[黃色按鈕](+) 按下[紅色按鈕] 2秒鐘 按[藍色按鈕]保存並退出 如何檢查天線的駐波比: Radio將收音機輸出連接至``TX'',並將天線連接至``ANT''。如果您的設備具有不同類型的連接器,則需要正確的適配器/電纜。 測量電壓駐波比:(參見圖1) SW-102 TX連接無線電射頻輸出 帶有顯示SWR測量數據的無線電TX SW-102。 在以下情況下,不要影響測試,附近有物體,水平放置。 如何檢查收發器的輸出功率: 連接到無線電輸出上的“ TX”,並將虛擬負載加載到“ ANT”。如果您的設備具有不同類型的連接器,則需要正確的適配器/電纜。 測量功率:(參見圖2) SW-102 TX連接無線電射頻輸出 SW-102 ANT連接50歐姆虛擬負載 按下電台TX,SW-102顯示為功率測量數據。 如何顯示旋轉: 按黃色鍵將顯示旋轉180度, 按黃色鍵正常。 包裝內容 1個SURECOM SW-102 HF 功率和駐波計(SO239-連接器) 1個電源PSU 100-240V 1x充電器線 1x英文用戶手冊 版本信息: 第一代 版本 V2.7 如果您有相關視頻,請與我們分享,請與我們聯繫

  • 首頁 | SURECOM 儀器製造商

    對講機 產品儀器 S 我們不斷創新和與客戶建立夥伴關係的動力使他們能夠在日常時刻以及最重要的時刻做好準備。 SW-32 SW102HF.jpeg SW-102-N.jpg SW-102-so239.jpg sw33plus.jpg sw33markii.jpg SW-111.jpg SW-114.jpg SF401plus.jpg Wholesale Welcome SF103.jpg SA-250.jpg SA-160.jpg SS10.jpg Repeater Controller Series SS11.jpg SR-629.jpg SR-112.jpg SR-328.jpg SR-628.jpg SF-20.jpg SE-01.jpg 我們致力於設計和交付我們的設備和企業客戶稱為生命線的關鍵任務生態系統-關鍵任務通信,軟件,服務。 產品專為 對講機 MAKE 現在下單 查看更多 天線分析儀 天線分析儀(也稱為噪聲橋,RX橋,SWR分析儀或RF分析儀)是一種用於測量無線電電子應用中天線系統的輸入阻抗的設備。 閱讀更多 中繼器控制器 轉發器是一個自動無線電中繼站,通常位於山頂,高層建築物或無線電塔上。它允許兩個或多個基站,移動站或便攜式站之間的通信,這些基站由於彼此之間的距離或障礙而無法直接進行通信。 閱讀更多 對講機 對講機,更正式地稱為手持收發器,是一種手持式,便攜式雙向無線電收發器。我們出售高功率和FRS對講機,家庭無線電服務(FRS)是一種改進的對講機,從1996年開始在美國授權的對講機無線電系統。在香港,2003年獲得對講機無線電系統,此個人廣播服務使用... 閱讀更多 網絡對講機 蜂窩一鍵通(PTToC,PoC)是一項功能,允許智能手機或移動電話用作對講機,與預先定義的組中的一個或多個用戶進行通信。 ...此功能需要一鍵通功能的智能手機或移動電話。 閱讀更多 DUMMY LOAD Terminal of a circuit (such as an amplifier) or an electrical output port, components, parts, or means for receiving electrical power for the DUMMY LOAD. Basic requirements: impedance matching and withstand the power 頻率計數器 頻率計數器是一種用於測量頻率的電子儀器或電子儀器的組成部分。頻率計數器通常會測量振盪週期數或週期性電子信號中每秒的脈衝數。有時將這種儀器稱為測振儀。 閱讀更多 射頻信號場強計 場強計實際上是一個簡單的接收器。檢測到RF信號,並將其饋入以百分數標定的微安表。調諧器的頻率範圍通常在地面廣播頻段內。 閱讀更多 藍牙手咪 藍牙揚聲器的重要功能之一是可用於免提通話的內置麥克風。揚聲器的聲音足夠大,您可以清楚地聽到另一端的人的聲音,並在通話時鬆開手來執行其他任務,該項目適用於對講機和移動收音機 閱讀更多 車載 對講機 移動電台 商業和專業移動無線電設備通常是從設備供應商或經銷商那裡購買的,他們的工作人員會將設備安裝到用戶的車輛中。大型車隊用戶可以直接從設備製造商那裡購買無線電,甚至可以僱用他們自己的技術人員進行安裝和維護。 閱讀更多 自動測溫機 SURECOM 免提非接觸式額頭 或 手 紅外線自動測溫儀,+高溫自動警報 V.S.W.R. 駐波表 駐波比計,SWR計,ISWR計(電流“ I” SWR)或VSWR計(電壓SWR)測量傳輸線中的駐波比(SWR)。[a]儀表間接測量失配程度。 在傳輸線及其負載(通常是天線)之間。 電子技術人員使用它來調整無線電發射器及其天線和饋線以使其阻抗匹配,從而使它們正常工作,並評估其他阻抗匹配工作的有效性。 閱讀更多 天線配件 適用於任何天線應用的可靠,高性能 SURECOM天線配件是可靠,高性能通信部件的世界標準。 標準,高性能和抗震移動支架的廣泛產品組合。 閱讀更多 POC配件 附件使409PTT Zello用戶能夠在方向盤上暢所欲言,並且在嘈雜的環境中清晰通話。所有配件均配有專用的一鍵通按鈕,我們已經對其全部進行了測試,並確信它們與我們的一鍵通應用程序兼容。但是,您應在自己的環境中對這些附件中的任何一個進行測試,然後再對其進行標準化或進行大量購買。 閱讀更多 CB 27MHz 對講機 在許多國家/地區中使用的公民波段無線電(也稱為CB無線電)是一種陸地移動無線電系統,該系統允許使用在27個附近的40個頻道上運行的雙向無線電來實現個人之間的短距離人對人雙向語音通信。高頻(又名短波)頻帶中的MHz(11 m)。公民頻段不同於其他個人無線電服務分配,例如FRS,GMRS,MURS,UHF CB和業餘無線電服務(“火腿”無線電)。在許多國家/地區,CB操作不需要許可證,並且(與業餘無線電不同)它可以用於商業或個人通信。 閱讀更多 閱讀更多


    SJ688HP Surecom SJ688HP 12w VHF/UHF Two Way Radio Walkie Talkie Features & Functions Memory channel: 128channels Frequency: FM (76-107MHz) VHF(136-174MHZ) UHF(400-480MHZ) VHF&UHF independent channel operation, better TX/RX performance Power Output: 10/5/3w (12W Max) 4800mAh Polymer Lithium Battery Dual Band Dual Display Dual Standby 3 Colors Backlight End tone elimination VOX makes the operation more convenient English voice reporting/mute voice Emergency alarm/remote alarm channel step: 0.5khz/2.5khz/ 5khz/ 6.25khz/10khz/ 12.5khz/ 25khz/37.5khz / 50khz/100khz CTCSS/DCS scanning Manual Wholesale Quotation Shopping Brand Name:Surecom Model Number: SJ688HP Type: Handheld Dimensions: 5 x 1.5 x 2.4 inches Frequency Range: 136-174/400-480MHz Storage Channel: 128 Talk Range: >10km Comunication systen: Simplex or Double Frequency Simplex Weight: 335g(including batterry) Modulation Type: FM(F3E) Frequency Deviation: 5 KHZ Spurious Emission: < -60dB TX Current: 1.5A Frequency Stability: 2.5ppm RX Sensitivity: <0.18 Audio Output: 400MW Standby Current: 72 mA(Power Save Condition:20mA) ​ Package Include: 1 x SJ688HP VHF 136-174 UHF(400-480MHZ) 1 x 4800mAh Polymer Lithium Battery 1 x Antenna. 1 x Belt Clip 1 x User Manual 1 x Desktop Charger 1 x AC Adapter 1 x PTT Earpiece 1 x S013F(FREE) If you have related videos, please share with us, please contact us


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    CB RADIO Citizens band radio (also known as CB radio), used in many countries, is a land mobile radio system, a system allowing short-distance person-to-person bidirectional voice communication between individuals, using two way radios operating on 40 channels near 27 MHz (11 m) in the high frequency (a.k.a. shortwave) band. Citizens band is distinct from other personal radio service allocations such as FRS, GMRS, MURS, UHF CB and the Amateur Radio Service ("ham" radio). In many countries, CB operation does not require a license, and (unlike amateur radio) it may be used for business or personal communications. S-CB925D Mini 25.615-30.105mhz Smart Radio Transceiver 8W Walkie Talkie for Car radio Item specifics: High power output 8W (H/L power selective) Frequecny range: 25.615-30.105MHZ (3 groups selectable) 40 storage channels AM and FM mode switchable AM and FM mode squelch level adjust RF gain control Keypad lock Scan Frequency is fixed and unprogrammable Modulation modeAM/FM Frequency range25.615-30.105MHz Frequeny tolerance±5.0ppm Input voltage13.2 Dimensions:(mm)109*104*25 Weight:(g)421 Frequency controlPLL Synthesizer Operating Temperature Range-25℃~ + 50℃ Current DrainTransmit: 2A MAX Receive:Squelched 0.3A MORE INFORMATION S-CB27 URECOM CB Radio CB27 Mobile radio 26.965-27.405MHz AM/FM Citizen brand lisence free Description s-CB27 Description s-CB27 is a multi-norms AM/FM citizen band mobile radio,with colorful TFT LCD screen,maximum 40channels, 6 programmable keypad mapped to onscreen 6 functions,bring you new feeling of visual era. Main Features *TFT LCD color display *8 Memory Channel *50 CTCSS/104DCS *Dual watch function *AM/FM mode switchable *Receive gain adjustable *Emergency channel CH9/CH19 *6 Programmable key *Scan /Beep *Automatic/Manual squelch *Channel/frequency display mode ....... VISIT WEBSITE

  • SW-32 | SURECOM SWR / Power METER 

    SW-32VU 125-525MHz SW-32HF 1.8-60MHz 功能與規格 頻率範圍:1.8-60MHz / 125-525MHz 可測功率範圍:0 -100W(+-0.5%) 輸入讀取頻率計數器(必須<0.5 W) 最大功率:100W 阻抗:50Ω 尺寸:W 76 XH 77 X D35毫米。 重量:<220克 接口:NJ接口 / SO239 接口 說明書 批發 Shopping SURECOM SW-32 SWR & Power Meter Instruction 特點說明: 1.儀表顯示: 我指示以瓦特和 駐波比 比為單位的前向功率 / 反射功率 。 2.儀表調零: 表針機械調零 。 3.量程開關: 選擇 10W 和 100W 的 射頻功率範圍 。 4.藍色開關 1: 選擇功率 / 駐波比 。 5.紅色開關 2: (REF/ FWD) 的 POWER,SWR (set SWR / SWR) 。 6.SWR SET 控制旋鈕: 測量 駐波比 時設置滿量程偏轉。 7.天線連接器: 50 歐姆天 線系統的同軸電纜連接器。 8.射頻輸出連接器: 同軸連接器到 發射器 50 歐姆射頻輸出。 ​ 正向功率測量 1. 將藍色按鈕設置到“POWER”位置。設置紅色按鈕,'FWD' 位置。 2. 設置對講機發射PTT , 選擇黃色按鈕功率範圍 (10W, or 100W) ,並讀取對應刻度數據. 反射功率測量 1. 將藍色按鈕開關設置到“POWER”位置。設置紅色按鈕,'REW' 位置。 2. 設置 對講機 發射PTT , 選擇 黃色按鈕 功率 範圍 (10W, or 100W) , 並讀取 對應 刻度 數據. 駐波比測量 步驟1 1. 將藍色按鈕開關設置到“SWR set”位置。將紅色開關設置到“SET SWR”位置。 2. 將對講機設置為發射模式。 3. 順時針緩慢轉動 CAL 控制旋鈕,直到儀表指針位於“CAL”位置。這必須的。 步驟2 將紅色按鈕開關設置到“SWR”位置。對講機發射發射,時儀表並讀取對應刻度數據SWR 駐波比 。 警告 1. 由於儀表機芯非常靈敏,請避免對設備進行過度振動或機械衝擊。 2. 應施加到儀表的絕對最大功率為 100W。取消較低範圍時,還要觀察 10W 的最大功率輸入。 3. 收發器和天線與儀表的連接絕不能接反。始終遵守正確的連接方式 到發射器和天線作為標準。 4. 儀表在出廠時已經過仔細校準。篡改任何內部電路或傳感器都可能造成損壞並降低儀表的準確性。 5. 請勿將儀表暴露在溫度過高、濕度大或強磁場的環境中。 如果您有相關視頻,請與我們分享,請與我們聯繫

  • 藍牙手咪 | SURECOM

    藍牙手咪 41-92A/B Surecom waterproof Bluetooth Speaker Microphone PTT for Android Phone POC walketalkie Main features: 3 hours to complete the charge standby time about 100 hours support mobile phone, intercom and music automatic switching support volume control extra 3.5mm plug headphones support Bluetooth A2DP music playback Function: for Andriod Phone / I-OS /POC App : Zello , 409PTT MORE INFORMATION 41-99 Bluetooth Ham Radio PTT Speaker Mic for Android Walkie Talkie for ZELLO ​A certified push-to-talk hardware created specifically for Zello Use a dedicated hardware button for push-to-talk. Listen clearly in noisy environments through a headset or more powerful speaker. Keep your phone locked and safe in your pocket, or talk and listen while using other apps. Your Android devices need either a data plan or a WiFi connection. VISIT WEBSITE 41-101 Radio Zello Phone Dual PTT Mix Talk Bluetooth Speaker Microphone Functional Description: Telephone processing: Support mobile hands-free functions, mobile phones, intercom and music automatic switching Support voice dial-up Last code replay Telephone answering, reject and hang up modulation A2DP music: Support Bluetooth A2DP music playback Can enjoy mobile stereo music or other A2DP music sources Using the Bluetooth AVRCP protocol, the remote music playback can be suspended, the last or the next Independent volume control button Volume storage VISIT WEBSITE 41-105 Bluetooth Ham Radio PTT Speaker Mic for Walkie Talkie VISIT WEBSITE

  • 自動測溫儀 | SURECOM

    自動測溫機 SURECOM 免提非接觸式額頭 或 手 紅外線自動測溫儀,+高溫自動警報 0032-0017 1.紅外傳感器 2.計數功能範圍: 0-999次(與 測溫無關) 3.供電使用方式:18650鋰電池(不包括) 或 USB 數據線(包括) 4.記錄數據需連接電腦 5.-顯示屏:數碼電子管 LED -無IO信號輸出功能 -不支持報警溫度設置 -不支持超低功耗待機 -不支持背光設置 .充滿電情況下,連續可使用2~3天 .高於37.3°C 發出警報 10秒 Read More 0032-0038 1.精度:±0.2度(35〜42℃,使用前在操作環境中放置30分鐘) 2.報警模式:高溫自動報警,閃爍+聲音報警約10秒 3.可調節高溫報警: 36℃〜39℃ 4.測量距離:5cm〜15cm自動測量 5.音量調節: 無聲 至 大聲 (4級) 英文/國語 6.顯示方式:LCD顯示 7.傳輸接口:USB Type C 8.自適應電源:4節AA 1.5V 電池(外部電源USB 和內部電源可以) 9.安裝方法:釘鉤,支架固定 10.環境溫度:10℃〜40℃(建議15℃〜35℃) 11.測量範圍:0〜50℃ 12.響應時間:0.1s 13.待機:非工作時間30S 自動待機 14.輸入:DC 5V 500MA 15.重量:303g 16.尺寸:170 X 115 X 140mm Read More

  • 分銷商 | SURECOM

    銷售地方 店名 地址 網址 電話 電郵 PRO-SIC 1 rue des Augheres - 77520 Donnemarie Dontilly +33(0)160584980 RongSheng Huaqiang North Road, Futian Dist., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland) Fleetwooddigital 8374350 Canada Inc. (604) 800-4042 PROXEL SRL Via Giorgio De Chirico, 1/D 42124 Reggio Emilia (RE) – Italy +39 0522 943086 聯繫我們 感謝您提交上述信息! Submit 歡迎成為我們的全球分銷商。如有任何疑問,請與我聯繫。 ALIBABA 409SHOP Amazon Shop4fun CazorNation EBAY MEGA409SHOP HK360shop wk789shop jaco3378 Radiobanker ALIEXPRESS SURECOM SHOP Toboo 常見問題標題可在應用程式設定的設定標籤中調整。您也能取消勾選設定標籤的核取方塊來移除標題。

  • KT-8900D | SURECOM

    SKT-8900D SURECOM KT-8900D 136-174/220-260/350-390/400-480 MINI COLOR SCREEN MOBILE RADIO General specification Frequency Range : VHF: 136-174MHz / 220-260MHz UHF: 350-390MHz / 400-480MHz Number of channels : 200 Channel spacing : 25KHz、20K、12.5 Phase lock step step : 2.5KHz、5KHz、6.25 KHz、10 KHz、12.5 KHz、15 KHz、25 KHz Working voltage : 13.8V DC±15% Squelch way : CTCSS、DCS、5Tone、2Tone、DTMF Frequency stability : ±2.5ppm Operat temperature : -20+60℃ Dimension : 98(W)*43(H)*126(D)mm Weight : 448g ​ Manual Wholesale Quotation Shopping PACKAGE CONTAIN: 1 x SURECOM KT-8900D 136-174/220-260/350-390/400-480 MINI COLOR SCREEN MOBILE RADIO 1 x Microphone 1 x Car Power Cable 1 x Fuse 1 x Mounting bracket 1 x Screw 1 x User"s Manual If you have related videos, please share with us, please contact us


    SF-401PLUS Introduction: The frequency meter capable of measuring the parameters of the frequency of the continuous carrier signal walkie-talkies , with signal strength indicator. it is the tool of choice for maintenance personnel ,test frequency and signal strength of wireless enthusiasts. This portable frequency counter is designed for counting continuous wave signal comes from Two-way Radio. There are easy ranges for you to choose. The ranges cover most of the frequency of the two way radios you want to measure. Its four-button control is easy to use and its small size allows you to carry it anywhere you like. Work by TCXO(Temperature Compensate X'tal (crystal) Oscillator) ,In the range of -45 ℃ ~ 65 ℃ can reach ± 2 ~ ± 4ppm accuracy This include very interesting frequency areas such as 2m HAM radio, all VHF and UHF DMR Radio signal e frequency counter. Easy Battery level digital mode for DMR radio only, not for other digital device Feature & Specification: Frequency range: 27Mhz-3000Mhz ! Note: (27MHz to 100MHz It can not be guaranteed and the corresponding normal emission appliance) CTCSS/DCS Decoder (must be 136-174/400-520MHz) Frequency counter for DMR radio Frequency digital 0.000 or 0.0000 ( +-0.001) Work by TCXO( Temperature Compensate X'tal (crystal) Oscillator) 2~2.5ppm Frequency Response time: 0.2-0.5sec.( CTCSS/CDCSS >0.5-1sec) TFT Color Display 240 x 320 ,LCD Dim level setting Build-in Li-ion battery Net Weight: 113g 4 buttons control Auto power off 1-9minutes Charging battery LED indicator Manual Wholesale Quotation Shopping Power On/Off Power On –Press and Hold down the [black key] by 2 second Power Off –Press and Hold down the [black key] by 4 second of number count down to 0 Charging the battery Plug the Power cord into adaptor , Micro USB connected SF-401, The Led indicating: *The RED Led is light - Charging * The Green Led is light - Full How to check Frequency measuring. See PIC.3 The transmitter near the frequency counter antenna , see the signal reception conditions is zone green, you can test. Please see Pic.3 cautions: e.g. display 1800.000Mhz , The transmitter distance is too close to the frequency counter will affect the test results, , the signal bar is red .(see Pic.1) e.g. display 0.000, , The transmitter distance is too far to the frequency counter and signal is weak ,will affect the test results, the signal bar is low .(see Pic.1) ! Note: (27MHz to 100MHz It can not be guaranteed and the corresponding normal emission appliance) . How to check Frequency of Digital DMR Radio Press[ F3 Digital] from Measuring screen mode See PIC.1 Note: Use Digital mode have 3 Decimal only MENU funtion setting and save. See PIC.4 Press [F1] > into menu Page Press [F3 down] or [F4 Up] into System and Press [F2 Rtn] into system Page PIC.4 Press[F3 down] or [F4 Up] select funtion ,Press [F2 Edit] > [F3 - ][F4 +] change mode Press[Menu] > [F1 ]to Exit or [F4 ] to Save and Exit Menu Setting Rf defect level: The smaller the rf detect level, the more sensitive How to check CTCSS/DCS code 1.Radio must be 136-174/400-520MHz 2.Radio must be ANALOG Package Contents 1x SF401 PLUS Frequency Counter 1x UHF Antenna 1x English User Manual 1x USB charger cable 1x USB AC adapter 100-240V If you have related videos, please share with us, please contact us

  • 41-99 | SURECOM

    41-99 Bluetooth Speaker Microphone FOR Inrico T320 T298 Description ​ Bluetooth microphone is a kind of professional intercom equipment by connecting APP of smart phoneornetwork radio, providing truly secure link, easy paining on the go, and instant push-to-talk The Bluetooth microphone, as wireless accessory, is flexible and cost-effective that gives users more mobilifty in their critical communication. Manual Wholesale Quotation Shopping Operation 1. Power on/power off In power off state, press Power on/off button and hold it for about 2 seconds, until hear a "beep" tone, release the button, blue indicator will flash to indicate power on successfully. In power on state, press Power on/off button and hold it for about 8 seconds, until hear a long "beep" tone, all LED indicators will be shut off to indicate the Bluetooth microphone is been powered off. 2. Pairing with bluetooth adaptor for two way radio 1.In the power off state, long press microphone power on/off button for 8s, indicator into red and blue flash alternately. 2.In the power off state, long press bluetooth adapter power on/off button for 8s, indicator into red and blue flash alternately. 3. When both BT mic and BT adapter red and blue indicator turn to blue flash slowly, pairing success. 4. Now you can press H3 PTT button to control radio and talk. 3. Paring H3 with smart phones 1. In the power off state, long press microphone "power on/off" button for 8s, indicator will flash red and blue alternately (For Android phone, press Volume- into solid red and blue indicators flash paring mode). 2. Open mobile phone Bluetooth set, then search device, when device name "Dellking PTT Mic" appears, just choose it and pair, when the Bluetooth microphone red and blue indicators turn into slowly blue indicator flash, then pairing successful. Note: Please remind, when the PTT mic connect with cellphone, use APP to do follow setting. See more detail in user manual. 4. Stereo music play control and Volume control See more detail in user manual. Compatible: Android Iniro T320 SURECOM R7 * Not fit for SenHaiX N60 * PTT not support I-phone Package includes: 1 x Bluetooth Speaker Mic 1 x Charger 1 x USB Cable 1 x English user manual If you have related videos, please share with us, please contact us

  • 41-92A | SURECOM

    41-92A Surecom waterproof Bluetooth Speaker Microphone PTT for Android Phone POC walketalkie Main features: ​ 3 hours to complete the charge standby time about 100 hours support mobile phone, intercom and music automatic switching support volume control extra 3.5mm plug headphones support Bluetooth A2DP music playback Manual Wholesale Quotation Shopping Specification: RF Frequency: 2.4~2.4835GHz Microphone Type: DSP Noise Suppression MIC RF Power: 10dB Bluetooth version: V3.0 class 2 Chip: CSR BlueCore5MM Bluetooth protocol: HSP, HFP, A2DP, AVRCP Music play:Up to 20 h Talking time:Up to 20 h Working time: 8 hours Charging time: about 3 hours Operating distance: Maximum 10 Meters Waterproof level: IP54 Battery type: 160mA/3.7v Li-ion battery Battery Power: DC5.0V/500mA Working voltage: 3.3– 4.2V Working temperature: -15C~45C Weight:130g Dimension: 89x63x33mm ​ Cannot pair directly with any two way radio models, must purchase with BOMMEOW BLUETOOTH TWO WAY RADIO ADAPTER ***Not support on I-Phone ​ Package include: 1x Bluetooth Speaker Microphone for Android 1x Charger Cable 1x PSU 100-240V USB +5V 1x English Manual If you have related videos, please share with us, please contact us

  • 手持對講機 | SURECOM

    WALKIE-TALKIE A walkie-talkie, more formally known as a handheld transceiver , is a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver.we are sell high power and FRS walkie-talkie , The Family Radio Service (FRS) is an improved walkie-talkie radio system authorized in the .......... SJ688HP Surecom SJ688HP 12w VHF/UHF Two Way Radio Walkie Talkie Brand Name:Surecom Model Number: SJ688HP Power Output: 10/5/3w (12W Max) Dimensions: 5 x 1.5 x 2.4 inches Frequency Range: 136-174/400-480MHz Storage Channel: 128 Talk Range: >10km Comunication systen: Simplex or Double Frequency Simplex Weight: 335g(including batterry) Modulation Type: FM(F3E) Frequency Deviation: 5 KHZ Spurious Emission: < -60dB TX Current: 1.5A Frequency Stability: 2.5ppm RX Sensitivity: <0.18 Audio Output: 400MW MORE INFORMATION S-UV5R Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 132-173 / 200-260 / 400-519MHz ● Display: 2.2 inch TFT (320 x240) ● RF Output: 1-1.15V (±5-10db) ● Span width: 0.54MHz /1.35MHz /2.7MHz /5.4MHz /10.8MHz /27MHz / 54MHz / 108MHz / 216MHz / 432MHz ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Display: 2.2inch TFT (320 x240) ● Size: 70mm x 120mm x 25mm ● Weight: 172 grams MORE INFORMATION S-8R Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 132-173 / 200-260 / 400-519MHz ● Display: 2.2 inch TFT (320 x240) ● RF Output: 1-1.15V (±5-10db) ● Span width: 0.54MHz /1.35MHz /2.7MHz /5.4MHz /10.8MHz /27MHz / 54MHz / 108MHz / 216MHz / 432MHz ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Display: 2.2inch TFT (320 x240) ● Size: 70mm x 120mm x 25mm ● Weight: 172 grams MORE INFORMATION SJ-409 FRS SURECOM SJ409 mini walkie-talkie specifications: Output power: 0.5 watts. Frequency range: 409MHz/ ,446MHz 462MHz Call range: over 3 km(depending on the terrain). Channel: 20 call channels. Mute code: 38CTCSS, 83DCS, 121 interference cancellation mute codes, a total of 2420 combinations Scan channel : Yes Background lighting: Yes Low battery warning: Yes Battery indicator: Yes (4 grids displayed) Lock function: Yes Weight: about 90g Size: about 50mm × 87mm × 22mm (not include antenna) MORE INFORMATION

  • SW-102HF | SURECOM

    SW-102 HF 1.5-70MHz VSWR 介紹 VSWR。正向和反射功率直接數字讀數,無需任何校準。 最大可測量功率範圍高達120W。 低插入損耗(0.3 db 或更小)的結構使其可以永久連接。 所有功能顯示(電源,SWR,FW,RW,電池電量) 功能與規格 頻率範圍: 1.5-70MHz 可測功率範圍:0.5-120W(+-0.5%) 最大功率:120W 阻抗:50Ω 尺寸:W 76 XH 77 X D35 毫米。 重量:<220克 電池:3.7V鋰離子充電池 接口: SO239 接口 說明書 批發 Shopping 接口:NJ接口/ SO239 最大限度。功率:120 W(可測量功率,無線電必須為模擬) 電壓駐波比1.00:1〜19.9:1 頻率範圍:1.5-70MHz 插入損耗<0.15dB(VHF),<0.25dB(UHF) 溫度0℃〜60℃ 電池顯示:是 內置電池3.7V:鋰離子電池 自動關閉電源:1-9分鐘 尺寸:66 * 68 * 37(mm) 5V充電器(微型USB) 背光自動關閉 接口(進出) SO239 重量:220g(含電池) 電源開/關: 按下[紅色按鈕] 2秒鐘打開或關閉電源 MENU顯示 內容: 1.Light off(背光時間)0-9,始終在1分鐘到9分鐘的時間裡顯示“ 0” 2.POWER OFF 電源關閉0-9 1到9分鐘始終為“ 0” 3.Adjust Power 調整前向功率-99至+99微調水平% *供應商,該產品將添加功能而無需另行通知 設置並保存 按下MENU [藍色按鈕] 按F1 [紅色按鈕)(選擇1-5功能) 按下[藍色按鈕](-),[黃色按鈕](+) 按下[紅色按鈕] 2秒鐘 按[藍色按鈕]保存並退出 如何檢查天線的駐波比: Radio將收音機輸出連接至``TX'',並將天線連接至``ANT''。如果您的設備具有不同類型的連接器,則需要正確的適配器/電纜。 測量電壓駐波比:(參見圖1) SW-102 TX連接無線電射頻輸出 帶有顯示SWR測量數據的無線電TX SW-102。 在以下情況下,不要影響測試,附近有物體,水平放置。 如何檢查收發器的輸出功率: 連接到無線電輸出上的“ TX”,並將虛擬負載加載到“ ANT”。如果您的設備具有不同類型的連接器,則需要正確的適配器/電纜。 測量功率:(參見圖2) SW-102 TX連接無線電射頻輸出 SW-102 ANT連接50歐姆虛擬負載 按下電台TX,SW-102顯示為功率測量數據。 如何顯示旋轉: 按黃色鍵將顯示旋轉180度, 按黃色鍵正常。 包裝內容 1個SURECOM SW-102 HF 功率和駐波計(SO239-連接器) 1個電源PSU 100-240V 1x充電器線 1x英文用戶手冊 版本信息: 第一代 版本 V2.7 N - CONNECTOR MODEL FREQ. RANGE CONNECTOR FREQUENCY COUNTER SW-102UV-N 125MHz -525MHz N-female YES SW-102UV-SO239 125MHz -525MHz SO239(SL16) YES SW-102HF 1.6MHz -70MHz SO239(SL16) NO 如果您有相關視頻,請與我們分享,請與我們聯繫

  • 聯絡我們 | SURECOM

    Customer Support, Quote Requests and all Other Questions Company Description SURECOM LIMITED is a manufacturing department of a professional enterprise providing two-way radio accessories. For years, we have been committed to developing products according to domestic and overseas markets' demands. Our full range of products include repeater and radio equipment. We also provide customized solutions for customers depending on their requirements. Our products have been exported to Europe, America and Southeast Asia, enjoying high popularity. We always persist in new and unique development and strictly follow the quality standard. Our materials are selected through selection process. As a leading department with innovative technology, we are proud of offering good quality products, low prices and better selections, as well as prompt and reliable services to our customers. Submit Thanks for submitting! SEND MESSAGE I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

  • SS-11 | SURECOM

    SS-11 The SS-11 Field Strength Meter is ideal for reading relative field strength from your antenna. It is a compact unit that fits in the palm of your hand and can be taken anywhere. The best part of using it is that you now can tell if your antenna is radiating or not by simply holding the unit near your antenna and adjusting the sensitivity. Also, by taking measurements, you can find out relatively how strong your antenna field is. Operation The SS-11 Field Strength Meter is very simple to use. It requires no power because your antenna field provides the power necessary to run the meter. Simply raise the single whip antenna on your unit, stand several feet away, and adjust the sensitivity knob on the front, it’s that easy. You want to ensure that the whip antenna is parallel with the polarity of the antenna you are reading. Now you can read the relative field strength of your antenna. Features: The appearance is simple and efficient, beautiful and generous. Frequency bandwidth, high sensitivity. 100KHz-3000MHz (with antenna ), please use different frequency antennas to test signals with different frequencies for better effect and sensitivity) Build-in Battery . The pointer amplitude can be adjusted (to protect the meter) Built-in automatic damping function, which is the buffer function, prevents the needle from swinging too fast and causing damage. Small size, easy to carry, size: 75 x 100 x 64mm (excluding the raised antenna part) Manual Wholesale Quotation Shopping Key Specifications: Test suitable antenna for walkie-talkie use Frequency bandwidth, high sensitivity. 100KHz-3000MHz Measurement Radio Field Strength The pointer amplitude can be adjusted (to protect the meter) Specifications: Model No. SS-11 Frequency Range: 100KHz -3GHz Size without Socket : 75 x 100 x 64mm Antenna (in ) Interface: SMA Female Net Weight : 240g (not include antenna) Package include 1x SS-11 Field Strength Meter 1x SMA MALE UHF Telescopic Antenna 1x English Instructions ​ INTRODUCTION: The SS-11 Field Strength Meter is ideal for reading relative field strength from your antenna. It is a compact unit that fits in the palm of your hand and can be taken anywhere. The best part of using it is that you now can tell if your antenna is radiating or not by simply holding the unit near your antenna and adjusting the sensitivity. Also, by taking measurements, you can find out relatively how strong your antenna field is. Operation The SS-10 Field Strength Meter is very simple to use. It requires no power because your antenna field provides the power necessary to run the meter. Simply raise the single whip antenna on your unit, stand several feet away, and adjust the sensitivity knob on the front, it’s that easy. You want to ensure that the whip antenna is parallel with the polarity of the antenna you are reading. Now you can read the relative field strength of your antenna. Technical Assistance If you have any problem with this unit first check the appropriate section of this manual. If the manual does not reference your problem or your problem is not solved by reading the manual you may call SURECOM Technical Service at 852-54457217. You will be best helped if you have your unit, manual and all information on your station handy so you can answer any questions the technicians may ask. You can also send questions by mail to SURECOM.COM.HK Features: The appearance is simple and efficient, beautiful and generous. Frequency bandwidth, high sensitivity. 100KHz-3000MHz (with antenna ), please use different frequency antennas to test signals with different frequencies for better effect and sensitivity) The pointer amplitude can be adjusted (to protect the meter) Built-in automatic damping function, which is the buffer function, prevents the needle from swinging too fast and causing damage. Small size, easy to carry, size: 75 x 100 x 64mm (excluding the raised antenna part) Instructions for use: Before use, please rotate the "amplitude adjustment" to the left most end. The length of the antenna to be pulled depends on the frequency of the test. It is better to have 1/4 wave as much as possible. The handheld walkie-talkie is about one meter away from the field strength meter. Don't be too close! In order to avoid the signal is too strong to burn the field strength meter! Then press the walkie-talkie PTT button to make the walkie-talkie enter the launch state. At this time, the pointer of the field strength meter should have a signal indication. The stronger the signal, the greater the indication! Amplitude adjustment: If the field strength indicator indicates that the maximum range is exceeded, the "amplitude adjustment" can be adjusted to let the pointer indicate the appropriate position. Method for testing the maximum gain point of an antenna 1. In order to change the frequency conveniently and quickly, you should use the keyboard to set the frequency walkie-talkie manually. 2. Link the walkie-talkie and antenna feeders, place the field strength meter near the antenna (depending on the environment), place it within the vertical radiation angle of the antenna as much as possible, and the antenna planning method is best. 3. Set the frequency of the walkie-talkie, press the launch button, observe the meter reading, and register the meter reading. Then set the walkie-talkie to other frequency points, let the walkie-talkie enter the launch state again, observe the meter reading and then compare the readings of each frequency point! You can know the best frequency/segment of the antenna under test! ​ ​ A typical field-strength meter is shown in Figure 1. This is a simple passive (unpowered) circuit in which radio frequency energy is intercepted by the antenna, rectified to DC, and then used to directly drive the meter. The maximum sensitivity of this circuit is based primarily on several factors: The gain of the antenna: How much of the signal is actually intercepted. The sensitivity of the meter movement being used. The nature of the diodes being used. If you have related videos, please share with us, please contact us

  • 產品目錄 | SURECOM

    天線分析儀 ANTENNA ANALYZER An antena analyzer ' (also known as a noise bridge, RX bridge, SWR analyzer, or RF analyzer) is a device used for measuring the input impedance of antenna systems in radio electronics applications. MODEL: SA160 SA250 SA350 MINI1300 Read More FREQUENCY COUNTER A frequency counter is an electronic instrument, or component of one, that is used for measuring frequency. Frequency counters usually measure the number of cycles of oscillation, or pulses per second in a periodic electronic signal. Such an instrument is sometimes referred to as a cymometer. Model: SF401 SF103 Read More FIELD STRENGTH METER Field strength meter is actually a simple receiver. The RF signal is detected and fed to a microammeter, which is scaled in %. The frequency range of the tuner is usually within the terrestrial broadcasting bands. Model: SS10 SS11 Read More REPEATER CONTROLLER A repeater is an automatic radio-relay station, usually located on a mountain top, tall building, or radio tower. It allows communication between two or more bases, mobile or portable stations that are unable to communicate directly with each other due to distance or obstructions between them. Model: SR112 SR328 SR628 SR629 Read More V.S.W.R. POWER METER The standing wave ratio meter, SWR meter, ISWR meter (current "I" SWR), or VSWR meter (voltage SWR) measures the standing wave ratio (SWR) in a transmission line.[a] The meter indirectly measures the degree of mismatch between a transmission line and its load (usually an antenna). Electronics technicians use it to adjust radio transmitters and their antennas and feedlines to be impedance matched so they work together properly, and evaluate the effectiveness of other impedance matching efforts. Model: SW102VU-S, SW102VU-N SW102HF SW33 ,SW33MARKII ,SW33PLUS SF20 SW-111 SW-114 Read More CB-RADIO 27MHZ 40 CH CB radio MODEL: CB-9250 CB27 Read More Antenna Accessory Reliable, High Performance For Any Antenna Application SURECOM antenna accessories are the world standard for reliable, high performance communication parts. Broad portfolio of standard, high performance and shock resistant mobile mounts. ​ Antenna Adaptor Balun Read More MOBILE RADIO An antena analyzer ' (also known as a noise bridge, RX bridge, SWR analyzer, or RF analyzer) is a device used for measuring the input impedance of antenna systems in radio electronics applications. MODEL: S-KT-8900 Quad Band S-KT-7900 Dual BAND S-980PLUS Read More BT-Speaker Mic One of the important features of a Bluetooth speaker is the built-in mic that can be used for hands-free calling. The speaker is loud enough that you can clearly hear the person on the other end and it releases your hands to do other tasks while calling, Item is suit for walkie-talkie and mobile radio ​ ​ Model: 41-92 41-99 41-101 41-105 Read More POC WALKIE-TALKIE Surecom 4G LTE Network Radio Walkie Talkie Specification: Operating system: Android system Intercom system: 409PTT Working temperature: -30C~+75C Working voltage: 3.4-4.2VDC H5-V8 R7-4G T1Q S808 S1 T3 Z9PLUS Read More WALKIE-TALKIE A walkie-talkie, more formally known as a handheld transceiver , is a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver.we are sell high power and FRS walkie-talkie , The Family Radio Service (FRS) is an improved walkie-talkie radio system authorized in the United States since 1996. , and 2003 in HONGKONG , This personal radio service uses ... ​ SJ-688HP VHF/UHF 10-12W S-8R 4 BAND TX SJ409 FRS RADIO S-UV5R waterproof Read More

  • SW-102UV | SURECOM

    SW-102 V/U 125-525MHz VSWR表介紹 VSWR。正向和反射功率直接數字讀數,無需任何校準。 最大可測量功率範圍高達120W。 低插入損耗(0.3 db 或更小)的結構使其可以永久連接。 內置頻率計數器 。 所有功能顯示(頻率計數器,電源,SWR,FW,RW,電池電量) 功能與規格 頻率範圍:125-525MHz 可測功率範圍:0.5-120W(+-0.5%) 輸入讀取頻率計數器(必須<0.5 W) 最大功率:120W 阻抗:50Ω 尺寸:W 76 XH 77 X D35毫米。 重量:<220克 電池:3.7V 鋰離子充電電池 *不適用於數字DMR。 接口:NJ接口 / SO239 接口 說明書 批發 Shopping 接口:NJ接口/ SO239 最大限度。功率:120 W(可測量功率,對講機必須為模擬) 電壓駐波比1.00:1〜19.9:1 頻率範圍:125MHz〜525MHz 插入損耗<0.15dB(VHF),<0.25dB(UHF) 溫度0℃〜60℃ 頻率計數器:是(TX輸入必須至少為0.5W ) 電池顯示:是 內置電池3.7V:鋰離子電池 自動關閉電源:1-9分鐘 尺寸:66 * 68 * 37(mm) 5V充電器(微型USB) 背光自動關閉 接口(進出)N(SL16)/ SO239 重量:220g(含電池) 電源開/關: 按下[紅色按鈕] 2秒鐘打開或關閉電源 MENU顯示 模式編號項目調整 默認設置 內容 1.調整前向功率-99至+99微調水平 % 2.調整反向功率-99至+99微調等級 % 3.調整時基-99至+99頻率計數器,OSC時基 4. LCD DIM(背光時間)0-9,始終在1分鐘到9分鐘的時間裡顯示“ 0” 5.電源關閉0-9 1到9分鐘始終為“ 0” *供應商,該產品將添加功能而無需另行通知 設置並保存 按下MENU [藍色按鈕] 按F1 [紅色按鈕)(選擇1-5功能) 按下[藍色按鈕](-),[黃色按鈕](+) 按下[紅色按鈕] 2秒鐘 按[藍色按鈕]保存並退出 如何檢查天線的駐波比: 對講機輸出連接至``TX'',並將天線連接至``ANT''。如果您的設備具有不同類型的連接器,則需要正確的適配器/電纜。 測量電壓駐波比:(參見圖1) SW-102 TX連接無線電射頻輸出 帶有顯示SWR測量數據的對講機 TX輸出 SW-102。 在以下情況下,不要影響測試,附近有物體,水平放置。 如何檢查收發器的輸出功率: 連接到無線對講機輸出上的“ TX”,並將虛擬負載加載到“ ANT”。如果您的設備具有不同類型的連接器,則需要正確的適配器/電纜。 測量功率:(參見圖2) SW-102 TX連接對講機射頻輸出 SW-102 ANT連接50歐姆虛擬負載 按下電台TX,SW-102顯示為功率測量數據。 (SW-102不適用於DMR系統) 如何顯示旋轉:(僅適用於2.02版) 按黃色鍵將顯示旋轉180度, 按黃色鍵正常。 包裝內容 1x 個SURECOM SW-102-UV功率和駐波計(N-連接器) 1x 個電源PSU 100-240V 1x 充電器線 1x 英文用戶手冊 版本信息: 第一代 版本 V3.3-V4.5 -於2016-2017年生產 , V5.1- 於 2017-2018 年生產 第二代 版本. V2.00 -V2.06 - V2.08 -於2018-2021年生產 第三代 版本 V2.4 -V2.XX -於2021 -5月 年生產 MODEL FREQ. RANGE CONNECTOR FREQUENCY COUNTER SW-102UV-N 125MHz -525MHz N-female YES SW-102UV-SO239 125MHz -525MHz SO239(SL16) YES SW-102HF 1.6MHz -70MHz SO239(SL16) NO N - CONNECTOR SO239 (SL-16)- CONNECTOR 如果您有相關視頻,請與我們分享,請與我們聯繫

  • 功率及駐波錶 | SURECOM

    天線分析儀 Working of Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Meters 駐波比計,SWR計,ISWR計(電流“ I” SWR)或VSWR計(電壓SWR)測量傳輸線中的駐波比(SWR)。[a]儀表間接測量失配程度。在傳輸線及其負載(通常是天線)之間。電子技術人員使用它來調整無線電發射器及其天線和饋線以使其阻抗匹配,從而使它們正常工作,並評估其他阻抗匹配工作的有效性。 SW-112VU/HF SURECOM SW-112VU 125-525MHz SURECOM SW-112 HF 1.5 -70 Mhz POWER & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Power Input:120W ● Display: METER ● Accuracy : +- 10 % ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Meter Lamp Dc in : 5-12V ● Input connect: SO239 ● Size: 74mm x 55mm x 89mm ● Weight: 220 grams Read More SW-102HF SURECOM SW-102HF 1.5 -70 Mhz POWER & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 1.5-70MHz ● Power Input:120W ● Display: LCD ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: 3.7V Li-ion ● Input connect: SO239 ● Size: 76mm x 77mm x 35mm ● Weight: 220 grams Read More SW-102VU- N/S SURECOM SW-102VU VHF/UHF Power & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 125-525MHz ● Power Input:120W ● Display: LCD ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: 3.7V Li-ion ● SW102VU-S Input connect: SO239(SL16) ● SW102VU-N Input connect: N ● Size: 76mm x 77mm x 35mm ● Weight: 220 grams Read More SW-28 VU SURECOM SW-28 VU 125-525 Mhz VHF/UHF Power & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 125-525MHz ● Power Input:120W ● Display: LCD ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: 3.7V Li-ion ● Input connect: SO239(SL16) ● Size: 76mm x 34mm x 35mm ● Weight: 220 grams Read More SW-28 HF SURECOM SW-28HF 1.5 -60 MHz POWER & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 1.5-60MHz ● Power Input:120W ● Display: LCD ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: 3.7V Li-ion ● Input connect: SO239 ● Size: 76mm x 34mm x 35mm ● Weight: 220 grams Read More SW-32VU/HF SURECOM SW-32VU 125-525 Mhz VHF/UHF Power & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: SW32-UV 125-525MHz SW32-HF 1.5-60MHz ● Power Input:100W ● Display: LCD ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● No Battery Design ● Input connect: N / SO239 ● Size: 76mm x 77mm x 60mm ● Weight: 320 grams Read More SW-29 VU /HF SURECOM SW-29 VU 125-525 Mhz VHF/UHF Power & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 125-525MHz ● Power Input:100W ● Display: LCD ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: 3.7V Li-ion ● Input connect: SO239(SL16) ● Size: 76mm x 34mm x 35mm ● Weight: 260 grams Read More SW-33MARKII SURECOM SW-33 markII 125-525 Mhz Mini Digital VHF/UHF Power & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 125-525MHz ● Power Input:100W ● Display: LED ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: Li-ion 500mah ● Input connect: SMA female ● Size: 25mm x 25mm x 60mm ● Weight: 160 grams Read More SW-33PLUS SURECOM SW-33 PLUS 125-525 Mhz Mini Digital VHF/UHF Power & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 125-525MHz ● Power Input:100W ● Display: LCD ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: Li-ion 500mah ● Input connect: SMA female ● Size: 25mm x 25mm x 60mm ● Weight: 160 grams Read More SF-20 SURECOM SF-20 100-525 Mhz Mini Digital VHF/UHF Power Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 100-525MHz ● Power Input: 20W ● Frequency Counter:20-999MHz ● Display: LED ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: Li-ion 500mah ● Input connect: BNC male ● Size: 25mm x 25mm x 87mm ● Weight: 220 grams Read More SW-111 SURECOM SW-111 27-30 Mhz SWR Power Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 27-30MHz ● Power Input:100W ● Input connect: SO239 ● Size: 84mm x 59mm x 52mm ● Weight: 260 grams Read More SW-114 SW-114 CB 27-30 Mhz SWR /Power Meter If you're looking for an SWR meter that can tune your antenna and measure field strength, this dual window 100-watt CB SWR Meter is a great choice! It measures up to 100 watts and has two separate windows: one for SWR reading and the other for power measurement. Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 27-30MHz ● Power Input:100W ● 2 separate windows ● Input connect: SO239 ● Size: 120mm x 60mm x 65mm ● Weight: 410 grams Read More SW-33 SURECOM SW-33 125-525 Mhz Mini Digital VHF/UHF Power & SWR Meter Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 125-525MHz ● Power Input:100W ● Display: LED ● Accuracy : +- 5% ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Battery: Li-ion 500mah ● Input connect: SMA female ● Size: 25mm x 25mm x 60mm ● Weight: 160 grams Read More SWR METER 快速瀏覽 Surecom SW102 Ground Plate 價格 $9.50 NEW 快速瀏覽 SURECOM SW-32VU 125-525MHz 100WATT SWR & Power Meter 價格 $75.00 快速瀏覽 SURECOM SW-114 27-30MHz HF SWR/RF/Field Strength Test Meter 價格 $28.50 快速瀏覽 SURECOM SW-111 100 Watt SWR / POWER Meter 價格 $30.00

  • 車用對講機 | SURECOM

    Commercial and professional mobile radios are often purchased from an equipment supplier or dealer whose staff will install the equipment into the user's vehicles. Large fleet users may buy radios directly from an equipment manufacturer and may even employ their own technical staff for installation and maintenance. MOBILE RADIO S-KT7900D Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 132-173 / 200-260 / 400-519MHz ● Display: 2.2 inch TFT (320 x240) ● RF Output: 1-1.15V (±5-10db) ● Span width: 0.54MHz /1.35MHz /2.7MHz /5.4MHz /10.8MHz /27MHz / 54MHz / 108MHz / 216MHz / 432MHz ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Display: 2.2inch TFT (320 x240) ● Size: 70mm x 120mm x 25mm ● Weight: 172 grams Read More S-KT-8900D Technical Parameter ● Measurement Frequency: 132-173 / 200-260 / 400-519MHz ● Display: 2.2 inch TFT (320 x240) ● RF Output: 1-1.15V (±5-10db) ● Span width: 0.54MHz /1.35MHz /2.7MHz /5.4MHz /10.8MHz /27MHz / 54MHz / 108MHz / 216MHz / 432MHz ● Port SWR: < 1.1 ● Display: 2.2inch TFT (320 x240) ● Size: 70mm x 120mm x 25mm ● Weight: 172 grams Read More S-KT980PLUS SURECOM S-KT-980 Plus Colorful Screen Compact Car Features: 1. Dual Band136~174VHF/400~480UHF Trasceiver 2. Compact and rigid car radio with colorful screen 3. 5Tone 2Tone ANI DTMF function 4. Remote Stun, Remote Kill, Remote Revive 5. High power output 75W on VHF and 55W on UHF 6. External speaker/PTT Specification: General 1. Frequency Range:VHF:136-174MHz UHF:400-480MHz 2. Number of Channel:200 3.Channel Spacing:25KHz 20K 12.5K Read More

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